
2024 FIJET Academy for Young Journalists And Writers

Each year FIJET Young Journalists Academy brings together a group of young people passionate about travel journalism and its ability to influence positive change in tourism media. Attendees include early career journalists, students, media entrepreneurs with start in tourism, scholars, young leaders of travel media industry leaders.

It is the interactive nature of FIJET Young Journalists Academy that makes it such an exciting opportunity for attendees, especially students who come from different countries. Throughout the week innovative ideas are shared and new business strategies developed. The focus is on creating a hands-on, interactive, interdisciplinary experience.

2024 FIJET Academy Edition on theme “The Future of Travel Journalism” was held in Slovakia from 16 to 22 June.

The academic program included work sessions, outdoor instructions and excursions, as an integral part, covering working and practical seminars.

The young participants were rewarded with a great Academy program, organized by FIJET Slovakia and its Partners. Realizing Fijet Young Journalists Academy wouldn’t have been possible without Ludmila Novacka exceptional skills and commitment. Her contribution has elevated Academy success, and Fijet is sincerely grateful for her efforts.

The President of FIJET, Mr. Tijani Haddad and Ludmila Novacka, welcomed warmly FIJET Academy participants in Slovakia with a common goal – to create a pleasant experience for visitors to Slovakia, relying on the diversification of the tourism product and on the tourism positioning of Slovakia. During the Academy Slovakian Ministry of Tourism organized the audience and presentationof Slovakian torusim. On this occasion, the Ministry official Tomaš Ondrčka, emphasized the importance of tourism for Slovakia economic development. Ms. PhDr. Iveta Radičova, PhD., Dean of , Faculty of Media, Paneuropean University had a welcome speach for participants at the first working session.

The synergy with FIJET Slovakia partners- Ministry of Tourism, Bratislava Tourism Board, Paneuropska Vysoka škola-Fakulta Masmedif, Trnjavsky kraj Zažitkov and FIJET lecturers, professors, is truly commendable.

Special thank all for being a valued members of FIJET Academy team and a true embodiment of professionalism, dedication, and excellence:

  • Ms. PhDr. Iveta Radičova, PhD., Dean, Faculty of media, Paneuropean University
  • Mr. Prof. Stanislav Benčić, PhD. professor at Faculty of media Paneuropean University
  • Mr. PhDr. Daniel Modrovský, PhD., the president of Slovak Syndicate of Jouralists
  • Ms. Tomáš Ondrčka, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic
  • Mr. Peter Dedak, podcast expert
  • Ms. Anna Schwartzova, Slovakia Travel
  • Ms. Veronika Hudačkova, Slovakia Travel.

FIJET team of Speakers,Professors and Lecturers:

  • Tijani Haddad, the President
  • Prof. Ludmila Novacka, President FIJET Slovakia
  • Sema Kutlu, Chairperson FYJA Committee, Turkiye
  • Asma Jerbi Abouda, FW TV and Radio, Tunisia

Many thanks to Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkiye, which students and young journalists participated in this training program. Big thanks to Academy young participants who were truly commendable.

The visits to tourist sites started with city tours in Bratislava , where the students had the opportunity to admire historical, cultural and tourism sites and experienc sport adventures programs. The Academy completed the program in the City of Plestany with opening Photo Exhibition “Travel and Emotions”.

Learn more about Academy on web sites: and